
November 21, 2023

Marketing and Strategic Communications

Alamo Colleges District-Palo Alto College celebrated the launch of its Dental Hygiene Program 并于周五在新成立的最先进的口腔卫生诊所举行了剪彩仪式, Nov. 17. 

“帕洛阿尔托学院很荣幸能在这一重要时刻推出我们最先进的口腔卫生项目和诊所,” said Palo Alto College President, Dr. Robert Garza. “在美国银行的宝贵支持和我们社区的持续承诺下, 我们准备在圣安东尼奥南部的教育和医疗保健领域产生持久的影响."

The unveiling coincided with an announcement of a generous $350,000 donation from Bank of America, 加强计划的基础,并强调对这一重要倡议的集体支持.

“新的牙齿卫生计划为圣安东尼奥服务不足的南部地区那些需要负担得起的牙科保健的人提供了一盏明灯,为那些希望成为牙科保健师的人提供了一条途径。,” said Jennifer Cantu, Bank of America San Antonio Market Executive. “美国银行很荣幸能够在支持这一重要项目中发挥作用, 这无疑将改变圣安东尼奥居民的教育愿望和生活质量.” 

In May 2017, 贝尔县选民批准了一项4.5亿美元的澳门新葡京博彩资本改善债券, with $60 million allocated for the Rio Grande Building which houses the 13,273-square-foot modern dental hygiene clinic. 这个尖端的设施经过精心设计,以满足牙科卫生专业学生的特殊需求, 为实践培训提供身临其境的环境,同时促进 低成本或免费的临床服务,以改善整体健康的南部社区.

获得牙科评审委员会初步认可, a significant achievement valid for two years, 口腔卫生计划将于2025年春季进入最后的认证阶段. The clinic itself features a collaborative classroom, a state-of-the-art radiology lab, 以及30间配备先进x光设备的牙科隔间/手术室. Additionally, 该设施包括牙科全景口外显像机和灭菌室, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience for students.

Central to its mission, 该计划旨在通过现场诊所向邻近居民提供牙齿卫生治疗,从而将其覆盖范围扩大到社区. By the third year of operation, the clinic anticipates serving up to 1,000 uninsured or under-insured, limited-income children and adults annually, thereby addressing critical oral healthcare needs in the region.

帕洛阿尔托学院为未来的口腔卫生教育铺平了道路, 该机构仍然致力于为学生和更广泛的社区提供无与伦比的机会和服务. 有关牙齿卫生计划或申请流程的更多信息,请访问 casabo.net/pac/dental-hygiene.

About Palo Alto College

Palo Alto College, part of the Alamo Colleges District, 是由南方学院和学校协会学院委员会认可的吗, 是2019年阿斯彭社区大学卓越奖的新星获得者, and is celebrating its 35-year anniversary. With over 10,000 students, 帕洛阿尔托学院被认可提供副学士学位和短期证书. 学院位于圣安东尼奥南侧,西经1400米. Villaret Blvd. at I-410 and Texas Hwy 16 and online at casabo.net/pac.

About Bank of America

美国银行是世界领先的金融机构之一, serving individual consumers, 中小型企业和大型企业提供全方位的银行服务, investing, 资产管理及其他金融和风险管理产品和服务. The company provides unmatched convenience in the United States, 为大约6900万消费者和小型企业客户提供服务,900 retail financial centers, approximately 15,000台自动柜员机和屡获殊荣的数字银行,拥有约5700万经过验证的数字用户. Bank of America is a global leader in wealth management, 公司和投资银行业务以及各种资产类别的交易, serving corporations, governments, institutions and individuals around the world. 美国银行通过一系列创新产品为大约400万小型企业家庭提供行业领先的支持, easy-to-use online products and services. 该公司通过遍布美国的业务为客户提供服务, its territories and more than 35 countries. 美国银行在纽约证券交易所(NYSE: BAC)上市。.

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